Thursday 16 June 2011

Cofetel to sanction 5 MNOs

Mexico regulator to sanction 5 mobile phone providers | Reuters

Having checked the Cofetel (Mexico regulator) website and read through the Reuters release, we are not sure who the 5 are. Iusacell, Movistar, Nextel de Mexico & Telcel are the 4 known active MNOs for Mexico, so who is the 5th?

Is Cofetel hitting WWL service providers? Are the 4 MNOs part of the 5?

Carlos Slim maybe standing by for another big fine, although Cofetel has also neglected to mention what the fall out would be for the failures in service. Back in April America Movil was hit for USD 1 billion by the Federeal Competition Commission for being too big, too dominant and using the latter negatively to their advantage.

Bizarrely, this important regulatory announcement, from Mony de Swaan, was made via a Tweet.